Black Screen With Cursor After Login Windows 7 Updated FREE

Black Screen With Cursor After Login Windows 7

There are some people who cull to use Windows 7 even if Microsoft offers free upgrades. The choice to remain with an older version of Windows tin can be attributed to a number of reasons. Maybe yous want to save some space on your computer and would rather not download the huge file a Windows update can be. Or maybe there are some specialized programs on your reckoner that may be affected if you upgrade your Windows vii.

But information technology doesn't mean that Windows 7 doesn't have its own bug. 1 of the almost common problems is when Windows seven boots to black screen with a cursor. This problem can exist very frustrating especially when you are unable to use your computer and you are unsure of the prophylactic of your files. In this article, nosotros are going to offering you some solutions that can help you fix the issue of Windows 7 black screen and get your computer working normally again.

1. Remove All External Connections

Information technology is very possible that some hardware connections could exist causing the problem. This is why the first thing you lot must exercise when yous encounter this problem is to remove all eternal connections. To do that effectively, follow these simple steps;

Footstep 1: Switch off the computer.

Step 2: Unplug and remove all external devices including the headset, microphone and USB drive.

Pace 3: If the computer is a laptop, remove the charger cable and the battery (if you tin can).

remove external connections

Step 4: At present press and hold the power button for 30 seconds. While y'all do this, the reckoner will boot upwards and turn off repeatedly.

reboot windows 7

Step five: Put the battery back into the laptop and plug the charger back in.

Step six: Turn on your reckoner every bit ordinarily.

If the estimator turns on normally, plug in your hardware devices one at a time. If the black screen appears over again, you will know which hardware device is causing the trouble and y'all tin can then supersede information technology.

2. Reinstall Graphics Menu Driver

This solution is only effective if you can all the same admission the Task Manger on your Windows vii computer.

Pace one: Press and Hold the "Ctrl + Alt +Delete" to launch the Chore Manager.

Pace ii: click on the "Processes" tab and the observe "explorer.exe".

Step 3: Correct click on all selected processes and and so click on "End Process".


Step 4: Now click on "File > New Chore" to create a new task.

new task

Footstep five: Type in "explorer.exe" and and so click "OK". Y'all should now be able to see the Windows taskbar.

Step 6: Now click on the starting time button in the Windows search bar, type in "Device Managing director". Click on it when it appears in the search results.

device manager

Stride 7: Discover the "display adapter" and double-click on information technology. Right-click on your device name when it appears, and and so select "Update Driver Software".

update driver software

Pace 8: Follow the instructions in the update Wizard that appears and when it is consummate, your figurer should be back to normal.

3. Boot Into Concluding Known Configuration

This is a procedure that allows y'all to start your Windows 7 system when your computer has serious issues. It loads the arrangement that has worked properly in previous sessions. Here's how to do it.

Pace 1: Make sure that your estimator is completely turned off and then press the "Power Push button" to plow information technology on.

Stride 2: Press "F8" on your keyboard as soon as yous see the computer logo appeared on the screen.

Step 3: This will open the "Advanced Boot Options" bill of fare. Using the pointer keys to select "Last known Good Configuration" and then printing Enter" on your keyboard.

last known good configuration

Now simply expect a moment while the computer restarts. The procedure should hopefully save your computer and fix the black screen with a cursor problem.

4. Run System File Checker

This problem could also be caused by some corrupted files on your system. If y'all doubtable that in that location are some corrupted files on your computer, you lot may want to run a System File Check (SFC) to ready them and gear up the arrangement itself. Here'due south how you lot can exercise that;

Pace 1: Power up your computer and hitting the "F8" key on your keyboard after you see the figurer's logo.

Step 2: This will launch the "Avant-garde Boot Options" carte du jour. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select "Rubber Style" and and so printing "Enter".

safe mode

Footstep 3: When your computer is in Condom Mode, blazon in "cmd" in the search box. Right click on the "cmd" that appears and then click "Run as Ambassador".

run as administrator in safe mode

Footstep iv: Type in "sfc /scannow" and and so press "Enter".

Stride five: The Windows system volition be scanned to find and fix any corrupted files on the arrangement. It may take a while depending on the number of files on your system.

Step 6: Type "exit" and and then press "Enter" to exit the Command Prompt when the process is complete.

Now restart your reckoner and the Windows 7 blackness screen upshot should hopefully exist gone.

5. Check Malware on Your Reckoner

Malware on your system can also cause this issue too as many other problems yous may exist experiencing with Windows 7. In this case, you would demand a adept anti-virus programme to help remove the malware to go rid of this trouble. You tin can employ Windows Defender or a more than powerful Anti-Malware to behave a deeper search.

check malware

6. Uninstall Windows Security Update

Certain Windows security updates have been known to cause this problem. If you lot suspect that this could be the upshot, follow these simple steps to uninstall the Window security update.

Footstep 1: Open the Task Manger on your computer. Yous can do that by pressing the "Ctrl + Alt + Delete" keys on your keyboard at the same time.

Step 2: Click on the "Processes" tab and so find "explorer.exe".

Step 3: Correct click on all the selected processes and so choose "End Process".


Step iv: Now click on "File > New Job" to create a new job.

new task

Footstep 5: Type in "explorer.exe" in the provided field and then click "OK". This will brand the Windows taskbar visible.

Step 6: Click "Start" and in the search function, type in "programs and features". Click on the outset issue that appears.

Step 7: Click on "View Installed Updates" located in the upper-left of the window.

view installed updates

Step eight: Await at the name and dates of the updates listed to find those with the code name KB2607712, KB976098 and KB915597. If they were installed immediately before the black screen issue occurred, right-click on each ane and select "uninstall".

Step 9: Restart your computer and it should hopefully work perfectly.

vii. Restore OS System

To fix this problem, you tin also choose to do a arrangement restore to restore the computer to a previous state. You can do this even if you don't usually save restore process and the restore volition non affect any of your files. Here's how to practise a arrangement restore.

Step i: Kicking your PC in condom mode.

Step 2: On the lower-left corner of the screen, click on the "Start" button.

Step 3: In the search role, blazon "recovery" and then select information technology from the results that appear.

Stride 4: Click on "Open Organisation Restore" option to launch the system restore Wizard.

Step five: Now simply follow the instructions on the Wizard to restore the system to a previous bespeak.

restore os system

The Windows 7 black screen of death is without a doubt a big trouble. Just it is our promise that you can find a solution from the one's highlighted to a higher place.

Black Screen With Cursor After Login Windows 7



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